May 17, 2024


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Revolutionizing Real Estate Customer Service: The Power of Virtual Assistants

Revolutionizing Real Estate: The Role of Real Estate Virtual Assistant in  the Property Market | by Answer Tenant | Nov, 2023 | Medium

In today’s world, businesses cannot afford to underestimate the power of customer service. Particularly in a competitive industry like real estate, superior customer service can be the difference between success and failure. As we increasingly engage prospects through digital means, it’s crucial we adopt tools that enhance our ability to serve our clients better. One game-changing tool that is shaping the industry is the Real Estate Virtual Assistant (REVA).

Through the waves of technological advancements, companies have continuously created new approaches to increase efficiency and improve customer service. One innovation that has emerged strongly in recent years is the use of virtual assistants. But just how does this technology revamp customer service in real estate?

User-friendly Accessibility

The usage of a Real Estate Virtual Assistant ensures services are accessible 24/7, ensuring that queries, concerns, or complaints from clients do not go unattended. This results in minimized frustrations and improved client satisfaction levels, leading to better customer retention rates. This is supported by data from the Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report that reveals 90% of consumers expect an online portal for customer service. ATTRACTIVE24, a leading virtual assistant company, found a 25% increase in customer satisfaction rates with their virtual assistants.

Personalized Interaction

It’s no secret that customers appreciate personalized experiences. A study by Epsilon revealed that 80% of consumers are more likely to make purchases when brands offer personalized experiences. The REVA can be programmed to remember past interactions, therefore, providing a tailored interaction for repeat clients. This makes clients feel special and appreciated, enhancing their overall experience.

High Efficiency and Productivity

Virtual assistants automate repetitive tasks such as responding to frequently asked questions, scheduling appointments, and sending out reminder emails. This saves real estate agents a significant amount of time they would have otherwise spent performing these tasks, allowing them to concentrate on closing deals. Increased productivity and efficiency invariably lead to enhanced customer service.

Multi-language Support

With the global reach of the real estate business, multilingual support has never been more critical. Virtual assistants are designed to support multiple languages, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder service delivery. An Invesp report showed 74% of customers were likely to engage in repeat business if the after-sales service was in their native language, cementing the importance of this feature.

Cost Savings

By taking over administrative tasks, a real estate virtual assistant dramatically reduces human resource-related costs. More savings for the business often translates into reduced service fees for the clients, creating a win-win scenario for both parties. A Deloitte survey found that 59% of companies outsource to cut costs, reinforcing the financial viability of virtual assistants.


Virtual assistants can be easily scaled up or down depending on the demand. During peak seasons, when call volumes are high, the REVA can swiftly manage this increase, ensuring customer service quality remains consistent. A study by Forrester suggests that businesses using AI chatbots saw over three times greater ROI, especially during high demand periods.


In this digital era, the Real Estate Virtual Assistant represents a remarkable fusion of technology and customer service, offering unparalleled possibilities for the future. By prioritizing customer service, real estate businesses can harness the power of virtual assistants to revolutionize their operations. Through increased accessibility, personalized interaction, efficient processes, multilingual support, cost savings, and scalability, REVA emerges as a key player in improving customer service in the real estate industry.

In a world where technology continues to reshape how we operate, the question isn’t whether you should adopt these digital trends, but whether you can afford not to. The use of Virtual Assistants in real estate is no longer an option but a necessity driven by the demands of the modern customer. Remember, customer satisfaction is paramount, and success lies with businesses that can adapt to these changing trends.

Virtual Assistants in real estate: a powerful tool and partner you never knew you needed.