Overcome Your Fear of Funeral Homes in 5 Easy Steps
There are many people that are deathly afraid of funeral homes. They can barely stand to drive past one and having to plan out a funeral for someone else can make them hyperventilate. It is perfectly normal to have a fear of mortuaries. If this is something that has been bothering you there is no more need to fear. Here is how to get rid of the fear in just five simple steps. At the very least, these steps will bring you some relief. People do not like to be overrun and driven by fear. Follow these easy steps to master your phobia.
The first step is to determine in your mind that the fear you are suffering is going to be gone. If you do not actively choose to get rid of your fear then no remedy will work. The funeral of the person that past away is important to you. If you are the one responsible for planning the funeral, it is an even more important event for you. Decide now that you are not going to let this or any other fears stop you from doing what you know you must.
The next step is a bit more complicated. You have to try and figure out what it is about it that bothers you. Some people may find this an easy task, but that is not true for everybody. There are many people who do not know how to associate reasons with their fears. If this is a problem for you, sit down with a pen and sheet of paper and write down everything that comes to mind when you think about funeral homes.
The third step is to gain the support of someone that knows you well and whom you trust. You may need them to help you out as you work to stamp out your fear. Ask them to go with you to a funeral home then take a trip to your local parlor. Let them hold your hand if need be. Take your time when there and breathe deeply when you begin feeling nervous. Remember that overcoming this fear may take some time and requires persistence. Practice visiting funeral homes often until the fear subsides
Similar to the third step, the fourth step requires you to contact a mental health expert. Do not be embarrassed by this step. They can also do a lot to help you overcome the fear. There is a good chance that such services are offered for free in your local area. These experts can help you with such things as meditation and hypnosis.
Finally, turn to the funeral home itself. Being that you have a fear of funeral parlors you may be unaware of the fact that directors of funeral homes are often licensed to give grief counseling. As such, they can help you with your fear; especially since your fear evolves around their workplace. Tell them that you are having this problem and also that you need to plan out a funeral. They can help you both to deal with your fear and learn more about funeral homes so that you will not feel so afraid.