December 2, 2024


Creative meets living

Target Released a Documentary on Hulu That Explores Inclusive Design

With its own inclusive approach to design in mind, Target has released a documentary that showcases the cultural impact of design that aims to create more access for all. Available exclusively on Hulu, “” was produced by RadicalMedia and celebrates inclusive design through the eyes of three people whose lives have directly changed because of it. “The only time I really think about my disability is when I’m challenged with a product that I can’t use,” one person shares at the beginning of the trailer. “And then I hack it, and then I can use it.”

In 54 minutes, the film explores designs of everything from clothing to buildings to home products—and how inclusive design in those areas (and in every aspect of life) “improves the ways we relate to the built environment, to our communities, and to one another,” according to the film .

“Our hope with this documentary is that it’s a new way we can use our voice to help amplify the voices of others who are doing extraordinary work in their own ways, who are using design to create more access for all,” Todd Waterbury, chief creative officer of Target, said in a post on the retailer’s website.

The documentary is now available to . If you don’t have a Hulu account, you can or get a subscription starting at $5.99.

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